In order to automate and schedule Crystal Reports, remiCrystal must use the Crystal Reports runtime library and these must be installed on the server that the application is installed on.
The version of the Crystal Reports runtimes library must match the correct version of remiCrystal and when there is a mismatch, you will get this window:
The above window allows you to either pick the version of Crystal Reports runtimes already installer on the server or to have remiCrystal install it for you. If you do not already have the runtimes installed, the latter options is the obvious choice. Things however get a little complicated when you must match what is installed to the options presented by remiCrystal.
We have found that the best way to find which version is installed on your machine is to follow the steps below:
- Open Windows Explorer
- Go to the folders c:\windows\assembly or C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\
- Locate the assembly named CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine and note its version e.g. 13.0.3500 (if you have multiple versions, pick the highest one)
- Go back to remiCrystal and select the version that matches the version you just noted.
- remiCrystal will then restart and set the Crystal version accordingly
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