If you are reading this post, it is likely that your Office 365 SMTP email in remiCrystal has all of a sudden stopped working without any changes to remiCrystal or your settings.
This issue has started occurring with Office 365 SMTP due to the deprecation of Basic Authentication in Exchange Online (see the link below)
There are two ways forward for this:
- Switch remiCrystal to using the new Office 365 REST API for emails by following these instructions (latest build required): https://remiware.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10100837424275-How-To-Register-Application-in-Microsoft-Azure-
- Switch to using an alternative SMTP provider instead of Office 365 such as:
- Amazon Simple Email Service https://aws.amazon.com/ses/
- SendGrid https://sendgrid.com/
- MailGun https://www.mailgun.com/
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